Stream Commands

Prefix: ! or $

Normal Commands:

  • bitsleader  --  Returns top 5 bitties leaderboard
  • commands  --  Returns link to here
  • discord  --  Returns Discord Link
  • followage  --  Returns How Long Been Followed
  • lastcomment  -- Returns your last message if there is one
  • lurk  --   Lurk command, adds you to a special list to be ignored for present and future mini-games
    (Once lurked, unless I have a data loss, you will not have to re-lurk until you chat next)

OBS Commands:

  • eqcolour 'Blue/Green/Magenta/Red/White'  --  Changes Colour of EQ on screen  --  100 CP
  • webcam 'Colour/Flip/Spin' 'Blue/Hidden/Green/Magenta/None/Red'  --  Only need colours if 'Action' is Colour  --  250 CP

Level/Points Commands:

  • levelcheck  -- Returns your level & rank
  • levelleader  -- Returns top 5 viewers by XP with Level & Rank displayed
  • pointscheck  --  Returns your points_value
  • pointsleader  --  Returns top 5 viewers by points
  • pt 'discord/twitch' 'point_value'  --  Transfer points between Discord and Twitch Chodebot/Chodybot database

Mini-Game Commands:

  • fish  --  Random delay on response, to make it feel more akin to fishing
  • gamble 'bet_value' -- Chances to win == 5%  --  Winning Forumula = bet_value * 2
  • pants  --  Expose what's below someone's clothing... If you dare  --  Optional @target_username
  • pp  --  Time restricted command
  • slap  --  Feel like raging? Slap somone  --  Optional @target_username
  • tag  --  Good ol' game of tag  -- Optional 'history/stats' returns your tag stats
  • untag  --  Want to chat, but not play tag? Use untag! Play again? Simply use again/use 'tag' to jump back in thee game


  • atscount  --  Returns Tractor(vehicle)/Game_crash
  • codcount  --  Returns Total/Win/Lost/Game_crash
  • jointscount  --  Returns DailyTotal/LastLitUp
  • streamcount  --  Returns Stream_crash

Marathon Commands:

  • addtime 'time' -- Use CP points to add time, valid times are 10, 20, 30. Cost 10k CP-10M/18k CP-20M/26k CP-30M
  • points4time  --  Returns: 'Valid times are 10, 20, 30. Cost 10k CP-10M/18k CP-20M/26k CP-30M'
  • remtime 'time' -- Use CP points to remove time, valid times are 10, 20, 30. Cost 10k CP-10M/18k CP-20M/26k CP-30M
  • time2add  --  Returns time remaining that can be added to clock if marathon is capped
  • timecurrent  --  Returns current time remaining
  • timemax  --  Returns cap of marathon if one
  • timerate  --  Returns countdown rate
  • timesofar  --  Returns total time marathon has been running for
  • times  --  Returns current add time rate

Special Commands:

  • ak
  • chicken
  • clammy
  • deecoy
  • fire
  • free
  • hug
  • joe
  • lore
  • moist
  • moony
  • petty
  • pious
  • queenpenguin
  • ronin
  • rubi
  • rexarah
  • shat
  • silencer
  • toodles

Mod Commands:

  • atscount '(-)number_here/crash/reset'  --  Manipulate ATS Counter
  • codcount '(-)number_here/crash/reset'  --  Manipulate CoD Counter
  • jointscount '(-)number_here/reset'  --  Manipulate Joints Smoked Counter  --  AutoDailyResets
  • streamcount '(-)number_here/reset'  --  Manipulate Stream Crash Counter
  • resetobs  --  Resets EQ & Webcam Rotation&Filters